Thursday, March 29, 2012


How precious is your unfailing love, O God! All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7

In this amazing verse I have highlighted the word, "unfailing". I wonder what that means... hmmm... let's find out! 

Without error or doubt. Reliable or constant.

That means that God's love is always reliable and it will never end. It also means that God's love will always be with us and we can't doubt that because it's right in the Word (a.k.a. Bible). And since the Bible is always true we can rely on it for life. Just go look it up in the Word! That book has it all!  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Control of your mouth

Hello everyone! I would like to go over the soccer topic once again, but this time with a different perspective.

In soccer you have a team (obviously) and of course you have the opposing team. Sometimes you'll be trying to do your best and all of a sudden somebody comes and steals the ball away from you, gives you a dirty look like "You're going down," runs up to the goal and scores. Then they go and brag all about their 'amazing' goal. Sometimes they call you names and tease you. Doesn't that just make you mad or sad (hey that rhymed!)?! Sometimes that person is you. It happens to all of us every once in a while.

In the Bible it talks about controlling what you say and do.
                          When you say something bad to someone or about someone-

1. It makes that person feel mad or sad.

2. It can get you in trouble in the long run.

3. It can cause the other person to feel worthless.


You're probably wondering how it can get you into trouble. Well the answer is that one small, tiny little bad thing can lead to another small thing, then another and then a bigger bad thing. When you fill your mouth with bad words eventually all that you say is bad words and things like that. Well, I hope you get the point! 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday." Psalm 91:4-6

I love this verse from the Scripture. It tells us that obviously we have NO reason to be afraid. Because God's wings are harder then steel but as soft as feathers but they can also be as sharp as a spear. He will protect you no matter what. You will use His truth for your shield from evil. It may seem that nothing is going right in your life. You may feel like your deep in waters trying to make it to the surface but you can't quite make it. You may feel like there is nothing that you can do. But you just wait! God has HUGE plans for you, for me and for EVERYONE in the world. It may take some time but God will help you through everything!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grand Spring Ball

Hello everyone! One of my friends has asked me to do a post about my cotillion ball, which was last night. So that's what I'm going to do! :) Basically, cotillion is where you learn manners and how to do formal dances with guys and/or girls (yuck)! But the cotillion ball is always the most fun part (especially refreshments!). 

Well yesterday two of my friends and I went to Sweet and Sassy and we got a pedi, a mani and an up-do! It felt so good to have someone massage and rub our feet and hands! It also felt good to have someone do our hair for us. Once we had everything done we all got into our ball gowns and gazed at each others dresses. Everyone looked so pretty! It's really strange to see your friends all fancy with ball gowns on! My friends and I then rode to the Country Club while we took funny videos on my friends' iPods. Once we arrived we took A BUNCH of pics and then we finally made our way down a hallway to the door to go into the ballroom. At 6:30 pm the ball started. 

Boys on the left, girls on the right - we made a line and the boys held out their right arm and we girls took them. We seated and then after several minutes started with a simple fox trot to warm ourselves up. Then we switched partners and started the fox trot. After doing the shag, fox trot and cha-cha we took our partners arms and then went into another large room for refreshments (yay). 

We sat and ate our cupcakes and drank our lemonade with funny glances at each other. After maybe 15 minutes we went back into the ball room and switched partners and did the snowball competition. The snowball competition is where you take a white Styrofoam ball, stick between your partner and your own head and you do the fox trot. The last ones standing win! My partner and I didn't win at all! :) That's OK though because one of my friends did! :) Then after several more dances we had the mother, son dance and the father, daughter dance. Finally to finish off the night we did the cherubs shuffle. I LOVED THE SONG THAT THEY USED FOR THE CHERUB SHUFFLE!!!!!!!!!!! "To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right. To the left, to the left, to the left, to the left. Now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick. Now walkin by yourself, now walkin by yourself!" Hehehehe! That's all for the Grand Spring Ball post! :) Hope you liked it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Soccer and God

I love and play soccer. When you think about soccer you think coaches, goalies, defenders, midfielders and offenders. But in my perspective I think about it in a whole different way. First for a coach I think about God. He is the ultimate coach telling all of his players how to go through life. Then I think about goalies. They are guarding the goal (us) from evil trying to make a goal and trying to get us to do bad things. Next I think about defenders. They are the ones that see evil plans before it gets to the goal and they knock the plans out. Midfielders to me are the ones that get a chance to help the offenders but they also play a big part in defending. Finally I think about offenders. They to me are the ones that take the evil plans, turn it into a fist, run up to the goal and punch the devil in the face when they make a goal! You know, it's a lot more fun when think about it in that way! :) I bet you could probably think about it in different sports too! Like football for example. Gotta run! :) 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Hey everyone! I know it has been like FOREVER since I blogged. Sorry about that! This week has been a busy week with my soccer games, sleepovers and on top of all of that a violin recital, I haven't had room for air! Just kidding I have had plenty of room for air, a little busy but plenty of room for air! I am so glad I don't have to think about breathing. That's the amazing thing about God's creation. God always knows what we need and when exactly we need it! He gave his Son because he knew that the only way we would listen and be able to throw our sins in the garbage can was through him. It was the amazing sacrifice that Jesus did so that we could go to heaven and be forgiven. Jesus didn't want to do it but he knew that he had to do what his and our Father said. So today why don't you take a little time to pray and ask God to forgive you of your sins. And if you don't have Jesus in your heart and want him but don't know how to ask or if you just have a simple prayer request, please, just comment and I or other commenters can pray for you.

 Shout out to Hannah! Happy late b-day! You can check out her blog at! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Yawn...... :-0

PHEW! I'm actually kind of glad this day is almost over. I'm pretty excited to get into my bed!  Well anyways, today I've been going around EVERYWHERE!!!!! Pant, pant pant.... first I got up and did my schoolwork (I'm home schooled by the way) which lasted to about 11:00 AM, maybe?! Then I got dressed and ate lunch. My dad came home and got changed out of his work clothes and took me down to Wilmington which is about an hour away from our house. So we got to Wilmington at around 1:00 PM and we rushed over to my Christian writing class. There we discussed the story about Palm Sunday when it was four days before Jesus' crucifixion and when Jesus rode through the streets of Jerusalem on a donkey and the people shouted, "Hosanna!" when Jesus came towards them. When I write that story I'll try to post it on here. After three days ( I mean hours) of writing class me and my AWESOME Dad went to Port City Java where my Dad got a grande coffee and I got a chocolate chip muffin. I love my dad! Then as we ate and drank our food we went to my dance place. :) There I did ballet and we did a bunch of ab work for like 45 MINUTES!!!!! Then we learned some more of our dance and stuff like that. After ballet my daddy and I went to another one of my favorite fast food restaurants, Taco Bell. Then my dad got another coffee and we went home. When I got home I got out of the car sleepily and then rubbed my dog and went inside. So then I went and practiced my violin and yeah! Here I'm am now sitting with my parents and yawning... bye!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Fun day! :)

Hello again! So today has been a tiring but relaxing day. First I woke up in my fort that I made yesterday and my Dad calling me down for breakfast. I went downstairs ate some delicious homemade french toast and then got ready for church. I made us a little late but oh well! My parents and I did the Children's Church today, also known as Tribekids. Little kids can be tiring!!!! :) After we did that we went to one of my favorite fast food restaurants, Subway. I LOVE SUBWAY!!!!! Anyways, then we went to Food Lion, but that's not really important. So then we went home and ate lunch and then I watched TV and played around a little bit. I went outside and jumped on the trampoline..... AGAIN! :P But I came back inside because it was pretty cold. Next I just watched TV and played around some more. So I guess it's been more of a relaxing day but hey that is OK with me! :) Let's see if I can figure out how to upload pictures.......YES I FIGURED IT OUT!!!!!!! Here's a picture of my puppy, Ginger Snap!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

First Post! Oh yeah! I'm doing my happy dance!

I FINALLY GOT A BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I'm so happy that I finally got this blog. I've been wanting a blog since I was like... seven. Anyways, in this blog I'm hoping that I will be able to bring other people to come to Christ. I will be working on some bible stories to post on here! Also I'll try to upload some pics of crafts and instructions for them. Well, a blog is when you post things about your day right?! I guess I'll tell ya'll about my day. Basically all I did today was ... hmmmm... sit inside! :) It's been raining all day so basically I woke up jumped on the trampoline (which was wet. Oh yeah!) then I came inside, ate lunch, watched TV until maybe three and then my dad and I went to Lowes and then came home. And here I am now posting onto my new B-L-O-G-! Bye for now!