Thursday, August 23, 2012


Hi guys! There was again no more entries into the photo contest. So I guess Hannah wins the contest! :) You can claim your prize at any time! :) 

Speaking of photo contests-Hadassah (a.k.a. Godsgirlz1) is having a photo contest! Your last day to enter is September 9th so goooo enter! :D 

Guess what?? I'm going to my Aunt's this Sunday!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! Whoop, whoop!! Her daughter, Crystie has a photography blog-you should check it out! Here's a few of her pics:

A dock near our beach house

Love this one!!

My Aunt's dog, Belle (she's a sweetie) 

My dog Ginger Snap

She's really good, right? Well, gotta go! Hope ya'll enjoyed this post! 

Monday, August 13, 2012


Hello everyone! So we didn't really have that many people enter the photo contest (we only had 1, thanks Hannah!) and I've decided to give you another week. So you now have till' this Friday to enter! 

So I haven't done just a fun post lately have I? Well, let's see.... how about a little photography?!

Most of you have seen this one before! And if you haven't seen it- this is my horse, Cori. :)

My doggy, Ginger Snap. 

Took this one out of the truck, it turned out a lot better than I thought! Lol! 

This is a baby oak tree. I thought it was cool so I took a pic!

These are some flowers in our backyard. I think they're called Fox Gloves...

And this one's my favorite! 

I hope you guys have enjoyed this post! :D

PS: All photos are taken and edited by me. Please ask me before using any of these photos and please give me credit for them! Thank you! :)

Friday, August 3, 2012


Hey guys! Guess what? As you could probably tell from the title-I'm hosting a photo contest!!!!! The prize will be a blog button of your choice for your blog! Here's what you have to do:
   1. Get your favorite Bible verse and take a picture relating to it. 
   2.Then post your picture at your blog and leave a link for that post in a comment here. 

You have till' August 10th to get your pics in! Remember, the picture has to be taken by you.

Get ready,
Get set,

Can't wait to see all of y'all's pics!