Friday, April 6, 2012

Fashion Fridays

So as you all know-today is Friday. On Fridays I will be doing a post called, Fashion Fridays and it will be where I will give you fashion tips and how to reuse your old clothes for fashion accessories and things like that. I will also be posting hairstyles. Today's craft is a t-shirt flower.

You will need:
an old or a too small t-shirt,
hot glue,
an undecorated headband or hair clip. (optional)


1. Take your t-shirt and cut a thin strip at the bottom.

2. Grab your hot glue and let it heat up for a bit, then take the strip and roll it up a bit then hot glue a little dot then roll a little bit then hot glue a little dot. Do this until you have rolled the strip completely up a flower looking thing.

3. Adjust the flower till its how you want it then grab a headband or a hair clip and hot glue the flower onto it. You can also hot glue the flower onto a safety clip so you can pin it onto your shirt! :)

4. Enjoy it! I hope you liked the craft! Let me know if you don't understand anything or if you just want to talk -comment please! I love getting comments!!!! The next picture is of a flower that my cousin and I made and that I stuck onto a headband! :P

1 comment:

  1. Cool! You'll need to show me that flower one day!
